I'm a Game Designer with over 5 years of experience in Game Development.

Check out my projects and more about me below!


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View my Resumé


Mickey Storm and The Cursed Mask (Triangle Studios)


Role: Level Designer
Platform: Switch, PS4 & XBOX
Engine: Unity
Project Duration: 20 weeks
Team Size: 20

Description: Mickey Storm and the Cursed Mask is a singleplayer and multiplayer game focused completing platforming challenges while being on slides. The player navigates their way through the level using the movement abilities to rescue their parents from the waterpark.

My Contributions:

• Designed and iterated upon several levels.
• Designed and iterated upon gameplay concepts and interactive elements.

Védelem: The Golden Horde


Role: Level Designer
Secondary Roles: Game Designer
Platform: PC
Engine: Unity
Project Duration: 16 weeks
Team Size: 17

Description: Védelem: The Golden Horde is a singleplayer RTS focused on defending the keep from incoming hordes. The player gathers resources from the environment to prepare for the incoming hordes by training units and building defences.

My Contributions:

• Designed and iterated upon the core concept
• Responsible for the map design
• Designed and iterated upon the resource generation



Role: Technical Game Designer
Secondary Roles: UI/UX Designer, QA Lead, Scrum Master
Platform: PC
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Project Duration: 8 weeks
Team Size: 23

Role: Technical Game Designer
Secondary Roles: UI/UX Designer, QA Lead, Scrum Master
Platform: PC
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Project Duration: 8 weeks
Team Size: 23

Role: Technical Game Designer
Secondary Roles: UI/UX Designer, QA Lead, Scrum Master
Platform: PC
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Project Duration: 8 weeks
Team Size: 23

Role: Technical Game Designer
Secondary Roles: UI/UX Designer, QA Lead, Scrum Master
Platform: PC
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Project Duration: 8 weeks
Team Size: 23

Role: Technical Game Designer
Secondary Roles: UI/UX Designer, QA Lead, Scrum Master
Platform: PC
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Project Duration: 8 weeks
Team Size: 23

Description: Lumberjacked is a two-player local co-op focused on exploration, puzzle-solving and combat. The players need to overcome challenges by throwing everything they can find, even each other.

Description: Lumberjacked is a two-player local co-op focused on exploration, puzzle-solving and combat. The players need to overcome challenges by throwing everything they can find, even each other.

Description: Lumberjacked is a two-player local co-op focused on exploration, puzzle-solving and combat. The players need to overcome challenges by throwing everything they can find, even each other.

Description: Lumberjacked is a two-player local co-op focused on exploration, puzzle-solving and combat. The players need to overcome challenges by throwing everything they can find, even each other.

Description: Lumberjacked is a two-player local co-op focused on exploration, puzzle-solving and combat. The players need to overcome challenges by throwing everything they can find, even each other.

My Contributions:

• Designed and implemented core gameplay features
• Designed and implemented core game systems
• Responsible for all UI/UX Design
• Managed the QA process of the full project
• Managed Scrum processes within a Feature Team

Office Hustle


Role: Game Designer
Secondary Roles: Audio Designer, Marketing Manager
Platform: PC
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Project Duration: 8 weeks
Team Size: 11

Role: Game Designer
Secondary Roles: Audio Designer, Marketing Manager
Platform: PC
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Project Duration: 8 weeks
Team Size: 11

Role: Game Designer
Secondary Roles: Audio Designer, Marketing Manager
Platform: PC
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Project Duration: 8 weeks
Team Size: 11

Role: Game Designer
Secondary Roles: Audio Designer, Marketing Manager
Platform: PC
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Project Duration: 8 weeks
Team Size: 11

Role: Game Designer
Secondary Roles: Audio Designer, Marketing Manager
Platform: PC
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Project Duration: 8 weeks
Team Size: 11

Description: Office Hustle is a singleplayer game focused on stealth while taking place on a 2D grid. The player takes advantage of the environment to overcome the challenges, collects all the documents and moves up to the next floor.

Description: Office Hustle is a singleplayer game focused on stealth while taking place on a 2D grid. The player takes advantage of the environment to overcome the challenges, collects all the documents and moves up to the next floor.

Description: Office Hustle is a singleplayer game focused on stealth while taking place on a 2D grid. The player takes advantage of the environment to overcome the challenges, collects all the documents and moves up to the next floor.

Description: Office Hustle is a singleplayer game focused on stealth while taking place on a 2D grid. The player takes advantage of the environment to overcome the challenges, collects all the documents and moves up to the next floor.

Description: Office Hustle is a singleplayer game focused on stealth while taking place on a 2D grid. The player takes advantage of the environment to overcome the challenges, collects all the documents and moves up to the next floor.

My Contributions:

• Designed and iterated upon the core concept
• Designed and iterated upon core gameplay features
• Responsible for all auditory feedback
• Managed the marketing processes



Role: Technical Game Designer
Secondary Roles: Gameplay Designer, Scrum Master 
Platform: PC
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Project Duration: 32 weeks
Team Size: 30 - 22

Role: Technical Game Designer
Secondary Roles: Scrum Master, 
Platform: PC
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Project Duration: 32 - 40 weeks
Team Size: 26

Role: Technical Game Designer
Secondary Roles: Scrum Master, 
Platform: PC
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Project Duration: 32 - 40 weeks
Team Size: 26

Role: Technical Game Designer
Secondary Roles: Scrum Master, 
Platform: PC
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Project Duration: 32 - 40 weeks
Team Size: 26

Description: P.A.I.N.T is a co-operative third-person shooter where the player and up to 3 friends can use paint to colour their surroundings and defeat enemies. While doing this, the player completes objectives and earns the highest score.

Description: P.A.I.N.T is a co-operative third-person shooter where the player and up to 3 friends can use paint to colour his surroundings and defeat enemies. The player uses unique paint effects to overcome challenges and upgrade his arsenal to ultimately overthrow the evil corporation.

Description: P.A.I.N.T is a co-operative third-person shooter where the player and up to 3 friends can use paint to colour his surroundings and defeat enemies. The player uses unique paint effects to overcome challenges and upgrade his arsenal to ultimately overthrow the evil corporation.

Description: P.A.I.N.T is a co-operative third-person shooter where the player and up to 3 friends can use paint to colour his surroundings and defeat enemies. The player uses unique paint effects to overcome challenges and upgrade his arsenal to ultimately overthrow the evil corporation.

My Contributions:

• Designed and iterated upon the core concept
• Designed and iterated upon core gameplay features
• Designed and implemented objectives and system
• Managed Scrum processes within Feature Teams

Tools & Skills

Game Design

Throughout all years at Breda University of Applied Sciences, I have gained proficient experience within different game design roles in all projects, ranging from gameplay design to technical level design.
I've designed different types of games, ranging from puzzle-adventures to third-person shooters. Using this experience, I can adapt quickly to make myself fit within every project and add value to the team.


I have gained considerable experience with visual scripting within Unreal Engine 4. Through this experience, I've gained proper knowledge of the technical side of game development.
With my technical skills, I can create and implement gameplay features or scripted level moments in any project.

Rapid Prototyping

Within all my projects, I created rapid prototypes to gather feedback on possible game mechanics and dynamics and rapidly iterate upon these. I became proficient within this process over my time in all my projects and can confidently create these prototypes in Engine.


During my time at Breda University of Applied Sciences, I developed proper presentation skills by presenting multiple concepts in any shape or form, both internal and external. I'm not limited to just presenting, as I also became proficient with the creation of pitches and pitch decks.

Agile Game Development

I have gained experience with Scrum, Kanban, Lean, Waterfall and LeSS during my years at Breda University of Applied Sciences. I gained this experience as a producer, scrum master and as part of the team, this makes me experienced of both sides of these methodologies and able to adjust to different methodologies with ease. 

Source Control

Within all my projects, I became proficient with multiple Source Control software, such as Perforce, Git and Subversion. I always made sure to fully understand the Version Control software before I started using it.
Next to actively using Source Control, I also became proficient with reviews such as Swarm Reviews through Perforce.






Unreal Engine 4 & 5
2017 - Present

Unreal Engine 4
2017 - Present


2018 - Present

2018 - Present


Office Suite
2011 - Present

Office Suite
2011 - Present


Google Suite
2015 - Present

Google Suite
2015 - Present

Project Management Tools

Version Control


2015 - Present


Atlassian JIRA
2018 - Present


Perforce Visual Client
2017 - Present

Perforce Visual Client
2017 - Present


Helix Swarm
2017 - Present

About Me


I'm Mees Wendels, a Graduate Game Designer within the International Game Architecture & Design education at Breda University of Applied Sciences (formerly known as NHTV) currently working at StickyLock on exciting projects!

As a little kid, my dad introduced to me to the CD-i. A key turning point in my life, as from that moment onwards, I created an enormous passion for video games; both in creating and playing. Starting from level editors to actually releasing games from scratch through my study has been an amazing rollercoaster. Seeing others play and enjoy the games I've contributed to motivates me to make the best experiences.

I'm an ambitious, dedicated team member inside projects that quickly finds his spot within the team. I enjoy working in multi-disciplinary teams, as I think good collaboration throughout all sides of Game Development makes a game better.
Throughout my study, I became experienced with different fields of Game Design, both creative and technical. I also learnt how to adapt quickly to whatever has the highest priority. A combination of both these facets makes me an always contributing factor in the project. Next to this, I have developed leadership skills throughout the academic projects as well as becoming well-taught in Project Management roles, such as Scrum Master or Producer.

Outside Game Development, I am also volunteering at my local Scouting where I create and supervise weekly activities and (summer) camps for children between 6 and 8 years old, as well as organizing the yearly iScout event. I enjoy using my creativity and affinity with games to create these activities, which can be considered as real-life games.

I'm Mees Wendels, a 3rd-year Game Designer within the International Game Architecture & Design education at Breda University of Applied Sciences (formerly known as NHTV).

As a little kid, my dad introduced to me to the CD-i. A key turning point in my life, as from that moment onwards, I created an enormous passion for video games; both in creating and playing. Starting from level editors to actually releasing games from scratch through my study has been an amazing rollercoaster. Seeing others play and enjoy the games I've contributed to motivates me to make the best experiences.

I'm an ambitious, dedicated team member inside projects that quickly finds his spot within the team. I enjoy working in multi-disciplinary teams, as I think good collaboration throughout all sides of Game Development makes a game better.
Throughout my study, I became experienced with different fields of Game Design, both creative and technical. I also learnt how to adapt quickly to whatever has the highest priority. A combination of both these facets makes me an always contributing factor in the project. Next to this, I've developed leadership skills through several leading roles within Design and Production/Project Management.

Outside Game Development, I am also volunteering at my local Scouting where I create and supervise weekly activities and (summer) camps for children between 6 and 8 years old, as well as organizing the yearly iScout event. I enjoy using my creativity and affinity with games to create these activities, which can be considered as real-life games.

I'm Mees Wendels, a 3rd-year Game Designer within the International Game Architecture & Design education at Breda University of Applied Sciences (formerly known as NHTV).

As a little kid, my dad introduced to me to the CD-i. A key turning point in my life, as from that moment onwards, I created an enormous passion for video games; both in creating and playing. Starting from level editors to actually releasing games from scratch through my study has been an amazing rollercoaster. Seeing others play and enjoy the games I've contributed to motivates me to make the best experiences.

I'm an ambitious, dedicated team member inside projects that quickly finds his spot within the team. I enjoy working in multi-disciplinary teams, as I think good collaboration throughout all sides of Game Development makes a game better.
Throughout my study, I became experienced with different fields of Game Design, both creative and technical. I also learnt how to adapt quickly to whatever has the highest priority. A combination of both these facets makes me an always contributing factor in the project. Next to this, I've developed leadership skills through several leading roles within Design and Production/Project Management.

Outside Game Development, I am also volunteering at my local Scouting where I create and supervise weekly activities and (summer) camps for children between 6 and 8 years old, as well as organizing the yearly iScout event. I enjoy using my creativity and affinity with games to create these activities, which can be considered as real-life games.

I'm Mees Wendels, a 3rd-year Game Designer within the International Game Architecture & Design education at Breda University of Applied Sciences (formerly known as NHTV).

As a little kid, my dad introduced to me to the CD-i. A key turning point in my life, as from that moment onwards, I created an enormous passion for video games; both in creating and playing. Starting from level editors to actually releasing games from scratch through my study has been an amazing rollercoaster. Seeing others play and enjoy the games I've contributed to motivates me to make the best experiences.

I'm an ambitious, dedicated team member inside projects that quickly finds his spot within the team. I enjoy working in multi-disciplinary teams, as I think good collaboration throughout all sides of Game Development makes a game better.
Throughout my study, I became experienced with different fields of Game Design, both creative and technical. I also learnt how to adapt quickly to whatever has the highest priority. A combination of both these facets makes me an always contributing factor in the project. Next to this, I've developed leadership skills through several leading roles within Design and Production/Project Management.

Outside Game Development, I am also volunteering at my local Scouting where I create and supervise weekly activities and (summer) camps for children between 6 and 8 years old, as well as organizing the yearly iScout event. I enjoy using my creativity and affinity with games to create these activities, which can be considered as real-life games.



International Game Architecture & Design
2017 - 2021
Breda University of Applied Sciences

International Game Architecture & Design
2017 - 2021 (expected)
Breda University of Applied Sciences

International Architecture & Design
2017 - 2021 (expected)
Breda University of Applied Sciences


Dutch - Native
English - Proficient
German - Intermediate

© Mees Wendels - Game Designer





Game Design Resumé